
Commentary: Concierge Care Can Help Indigent Uninsured

2020-02-18T15:41:18+00:00Thought Leadership|

Precision Health Economics’ Dana Goldman offers his latest opinion piece for the New York Times,”Hospital Care for Those Who Can Afford It Helps Care for Those Who Can’t.” In his commentary, Dr. Goldman suggests that concierge care may paradoxically be the best hope for ensuring continued access to healthcare for the indigent uninsured.

Commentary: Could the Lack of an Efficient and Affordable Diagnostic Pathway Limit Market Access for New Alzheimer’s Treatments?

2020-02-18T15:41:26+00:00Thought Leadership|

Rick Lifsitz and Larry Blandford address market access for novel Alzheimer’s treatments in a new commentary for Journal of Clinical Pathways

Commentary: Companion Diagnostics and Complementary Diagnostics in Clinical Practice: Better Medicine or Competitive Disadvantage?

2020-02-18T15:41:27+00:00Thought Leadership|

We are pleased to present the second installment in our recurring column, Pharma Insights. This month we take a look at an interesting twist in how the use of complementary and companion diagnostics is playing out in real-world clinical practice. In a health care system that increasingly seeks to more precisely target therapeutic approaches to diseases, diagnostic testing is the key to unlocking greater value in pharmacotherapy. Two classes of diagnostic tests—companion and complementary diagnostics—have emerged to address this need.


Commentary: The Importance of Immunogenicity of Biosimilars (Video)

2020-02-18T15:41:27+00:00Thought Leadership|

The FDA recently approved the biosimilar infliximab and found that from an immunogenicity profile it was more or less similar, which is important for payers and providers, explained Jeremy Schafer, PharmD, MBA, vice president and director of specialty solutions at Precision For Value.


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